
Hi.  I’m Tom.

I’m a regular guy.  I have worked in technology within the software development community for over 26 years and am also an avid techno-geek, gadget freak, and internet marketer.  I have a family and try to lead a pretty normal life.

I have been fascinated by many unexplained phenomena ever since I was a kid. Everything from haunted tales to UFO’s, Bigfoot, The Lochness and other water monsters, and what have you.

My father was in the USAF and the CIA in the 1960s.  When I ask him if he’s ever had any contact with this stuff, he just says nothing, but he always watched war movies and some of the SciFi stuff on TV, which must have sparked my interest when I was a kid.

I started this little blog to comment and link out to such subjects.

The ads on my site are merely to offset the cost of web hosting and my time doing this. So, if you were to buy anything from them, it helps the site. No one is getting rich from it, and there is no extra product cost to you for doing so.

This is more a labor of love than anything else.

Thanks for visiting!


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