Robert Dean Recording on Aliens and Multidimensional Humanoids

Robert Dean
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Robert Dean is all over the Internet claiming that aliens visiting Earth are real, in pictures, videos, and articles. He’s dead now, but due to the magic of this content, he will be with us forever.

So, let’s delve into the fantastic things that he has to say regarding extraterrestrial and extradimensional life, as well as his background.

Robert Dean was a UFO believer with a 28-year military background (Command Sergeant Major in the US Army) who claims to have had “Cosmic Top Secret” clearance with NATO, and that clearance really DOES exist.

Dean has since passed away, at the ripe old age of 89, so no one executed him or anything like that, for violating his security oath.

He was a very interesting guy with some very interesting things to say…

So, this whole post means nothing without the money shot, so watch this:

Dean has his critics, though.

Listen up. If you are going to make fantastic statements and put them out there for the world to see, then expect some level of lookup and scrutiny, m’kay?

Take this excerpt from the above link.

Robert O. Dean is another person with a quality resume. He had a career in the United States Army, starting in 1950 and retiring in1976. He was in the wars of Korea and Vietnam and highly decorated for his service. He was at NATO headquarters from 1963 to 1976 with the rank of master sergeant (Klass 1997).

Watching Robert Dean “evolve” over the decades has been quite an adventure in itself. During his first appearances, he claimed that while at NATO he was an intelligence analyst and that one evening when he was tired and could not stay awake, a senior officer tossed him a thick manual and said this would keep him awake. Said manual supposedly documented a three-year study by NATO on UFOs and extraterrestrials. He said it was called “an assessment,” which concluded that there were several races of extraterrestrials flying around and landing and making face-to-face contact with people. The aliens were, however, not a threat (Nintzel and Acuna 1995).

Of course, Dean never produced this report for inspection. Philip Klass found no such study had ever been undertaken by NATO and that Dean’s record showed nothing of intelligence training, but that he was a Chief Clerk in the Language Service Branch (Klass 1997). Again, as in the case of Corso, it is doubtful a person with Dean’s actual rank and status would be so casually tossed the most important “Cosmic Top Secret” (which he called it) report just to keep him awake when a cup of coffee would do.

You can go read the rest at that link.

Why do I publish this here?  Because many who share the impressive video of him speaking always leave out the “rest of the story” about him. People need to make a decision about the reliability of information with ALL of the information about the guy so that they know whether to really believe him.

I am NOT trying to debunk the guy. I’m just saying, make your decision with ALL of the relevant facts at hand.


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