Solar Warden Secret Space Program

Gary McKinnon solar warden
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Gary McKinnon and the Solar Warden Legend

There shouldn’t be any UFO lore fans who don’t know about the tale of British computer hacker Gary McKinnon and his famous hack into the US Military’s computer systems and finding information about the Solar Warden Project.

What, you say? You never heard of it?

There are plenty of in-depth exposes on the subject all over the Internet, so rather than rehash it all here, I am just going to comment on the plausibility of the Solar Warden Project.

Let’s talk.

So it all started when the British hacker broke into a US military network and spent months coming and going undetected. He also states that there were hackers from all over the world in there doing whatever they wanted, unhindered.

A bit hard to believe. Knowing that government networks were not always that secure, it’s still hard to believe that they were ever that open and free.  Hackers are a crafty bunch, and they have been known to break into many secure online places that are well guarded, so you can’t just write it off no matter how unlikely it may sound.

So, and I am giving my abridged version in this post, McKinnon comes across what looks like ship to shore transfer logs, but it references personnel referred to as non terrestrial officers.

Hmmm. That sounds like what we have come to know of as the Solar Warden Project.

Then he comes across the names of ships, but instead of USS in front of the name, as naval ships are referenced (United States Ship), they used the designation of USSS, which Mckinnon took to mean “United States Space Ship”, and when you couple that with “nonterrestrial” and whatever else he found… You get space to Earth personnel transfer logs for the Solar Warden Project.

After this, he eventually gets found out and the U.S. Government tries to have him extradited from the U.K., but ultimately fails. He lucks out because had he been sent to the U.S., he could have spent many years in prison.

What does all of this give birth to? A legend about a secret space program, and this is Star Wars type stuff. Mind blowing, even.

You get a Secret Space Program black project called Solar Warden.

There were ship names, like the USSS Hillenkoetter, USSS LeMay, etc.

These names are not the names of naval ships.

They must be of something else, but what?

A U.S. Space Program?

Another story that has come out about this is that Solar Warden is actually, and this is going to sound crazy, a combined U.N/”Galactic Federation” project that basically put the policing of Earth’s solar system in the control of humanity, and also that other nations are also involved. Solar Warden answers to no single nation so it’s independent of the will of national politicians and their agendas.

Solar Warden cigar UFO in orbit

Information has come out that these ships are built on the ground almost in plain site, but they look like submarines so no one really questions it. They aren’t really in plain site though. They are assembled in sections and final connections are made in orbit.

Imagine something like this.

solar warden ship in drydock

Also imagine the two massive section, which are both independent vessels, connected in the center to make a full-size spacecraft carrier.

USSS Hillenkoetter

This would be some pretty amazing stuff if true, but there is no concrete proof so you just have to take it on faith or write it off as fantasy.

Interesting books on the whole Solar Warden topic might be these.


So is this possible or not?

Is this a likely story?

Can this even be in the realm of possibility?

Some more info on McKinnon, an interview transcript, for your pleasure.


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2 thoughts on “Solar Warden Secret Space Program

  1. “Non Terrestrial” could mean water-based. “USSS” could refer to Submarine. Its claimed the ships look like submarines. When the US government says “look up” you should be looking down…

    1. I guess that anything is possible and it could be Naval, but the officers in question were from the USAF, initially, it’s been said, so what’s the liklihood of USAF officers being transferred to the submarine service? United States Submarine is still USS, not USSS. There is a whole lot more to McKinnon’s claims, but, they are claims so YMMV.

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